Another milestone reached. When we sent the girls to school a year ago, Moose was too young to join them. He didn't realize that he wasn't going until the morning of the first day of school. Julie got the girls ready and Moose filled his little backpack with a few toys and a tennis ball. When Moose didn't get dropped off with his sisters he was furious.
A year has passed since then and it's now time for preschool. Far from having any kind of separation anxiety, he charged right into the school when I dropped him off without so much as saying goodbye to me.
After school, we were heading home in the van and I couldn't wait to hear about all the fun things he did. I figured he would feel the same way:
Me: "Moose, what did you do today?"
Moose: "Nothing."
After a bit of badgering, I finally got out of him that he "colored and learned." Learned about what? Nothing.