I have the funniest boy on the planet. His antics need to be shared.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Tonight as I was putting Moose to bed, I was asking him about some of his favorite things. When he got tired of being questioned, he started asking me about my favorites. Instead of asking me about favorite colors and foods, he wanted to know things such as:
What's your favorite pillow to sleep on?
What's your favorite hat to wear?
What's your favorite door to close?
I admit I had to think about that last one.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Yesterday while attending the showcase of what all the acting classes learned this semester at Hale Centre Theatre, Moose was making some noise with his chair during the performances.
I put my hand on his seat to stop the chair from snapping back and Moose informed me, "Jesus wants you to keep your hands to yourself!"