Sunday, May 2, 2010

I don't want to go to church!

Every Sunday we go through the same ritual, and I'm not talking about what happens behind the chapel doors.
Once Moose sees us get his church clothes out of his drawer, he goes into fight mode. Today his battle plan evolved, which, up-to-now has been simply - to battle.
Julie got out his shirt and immediately Moose started to hold his nose. Julie was concerned that he might have a nosebleed so she got a tissue, but his nose was fine - not even runny. Julie asked what the problem is. Moose's reply: "This shirt makes me stinky." Guess he thought that was a good enough reason to stay home from church.
After Julie wrestled his clothes on (stinky and all), Moose switched to Plan B.
"Mom, I don't feel good!" said Moose in the most pathetic voice he could muster.
Ahhh, now we might be on to something.